Spend a few hours here—listen to lively debate, witness the joy of discovery, experience uninhibited collaboration—and you’ll understand the ambition of our academic program.
A challenging college-preparatory curriculum coupled with expert educators and diverse teaching methodologies deepens our students’ learning across all three divisions and lends authentic meaning to each school day. Trevor students are more than prepared for each grade level and future college-level work—more importantly, they’ve also learned how to learn. Every day, we weave critical-thinking skills, problem-solving know-how, the value of perseverance, and the ability to reason and debate into the fabric of the Trevor academic experience.
What you find at Trevor is lively discourse, intellectual energy, empathetic engagement, constant questioning of the status quo, and serious investigation into topics ranging from probability and the Freedom Riders in Lower School to net neutrality, The Canterbury Tales, and quantum physics in Middle and Upper School.
At the heart of Trevor lies ambitious academics in the hands of curious, capable, and engaged young minds—each one guided by expert, passionate educators who could teach anywhere in the world, but who choose to teach at Trevor.