
Tuition & Tuition Assistance

Tuition & Tuition Assistance

2025-26 Tuition Assistance Application Deadline: January 1, 2025

Choosing an independent school is a long-term investment in your child’s future. You likely have many motivations for investing in private school education—including a dynamic curriculum, rich arts and technologies, and small class sizes. When you choose Trevor, that list extends considerably further: Expert faculty, college-level coursework, collaborative classrooms and common spaces, stellar visual arts, music, performing arts, and athletic programs, state-of-the-art facilities, and exceptional college guidance are some of the many benefits Trevor students enjoy.

Trevor’s tuition encompasses the vast majority of what a student requires to participate in an engaging daily educational experience—including books, supplies, field trips, athletics equipment and uniforms, yearbooks, community breakfasts, and healthy snacks and lunch. Additionally, all 3rd–12th grade students also need a laptop computer and related software. The cost ranges from $400 to $1,400, depending on the student’s grade level.

Payment Plan

An optional nine-month payment plan, administered by FACTS, is available to all families.

Tuition for 2024–2025 Academic Year
  • Threes (Full Day)
  • Pre-Kindergarten
  • Kindergarten
  • Grades 1 through 4
  • Grades 5 through 8
  • Grades 9 through 12
  • $ 37,500
  • $ 37,500
  • $ 62,500
  • $ 63,800
  • $ 64,900
  • $ 65,700

Tuition Assistance

The Tuition Assistance Program is a vital tool that helps us to welcome a diversity of perspectives and experiences within the Trevor community, so the school can best reflect our multicultural and socioeconomically diverse city. Trevor’s Tuition Assistance Program offers support to qualified families who cannot afford the full tuition; it is available to families in all grade levels (from the Threes through 12th Grade). Tuition Assistance is need-based and awards are made as a percentage of tuition. Tuition Assistance is also available toward the purchase of a student’s school laptop computer, domestic and international travel, and most Trevor AfterSchool programs. Each year, the Tuition Assistance Program grants more than $8 million in awards, which support 21% of Trevor students.  
For all questions, please feel welcome to contact us at 

Tuition Assistance Procedures

List of 2 items.

Tuition Assistance FAQs

List of 9 frequently asked questions.

  • What is Tuition Assistance?

    Trevor Day School considers financial need to be the difference between what it costs to attend Trevor and a family’s ability to pay tuition; tuition assistance is a grant, not a loan, and does not need to be repaid. Tuition Assistance awards are based on a percentage of tuition and are given after a family has completed the Tuition Assistance application process and been deemed qualified. Because awards are based on a percentage of tuition, the amount a family pays each year is likely to increase proportionally to increases in tuition.
  • How often does tuition increase and by how much? How will this increase impact our Tuition Assistance award?

    Historically, tuitions at New York City independent schools have increased each year by approximately 5% in order to cover yearly increases in personnel and program costs. The Tuition Assistance Committee assumes that a family’s income also increases on an annual basis.

    If a family's financial circumstances remain consistent from year to year, the award granted (as a percentage of each year's new tuition) generally remains the same. If a family's financial circumstances change significantly, the award granted may also change. 
  • How do we know if we qualify for Tuition Assistance? Who is awarded Tuition Assistance? 

    Few families find it “easy” to pay independent school tuition. Most families adjust their spending priorities, maximize parents’ earnings, and carefully manage assets to do so. Providing firm guidelines to help a family decide whether to apply for Tuition Assistance is difficult because each family’s combination of circumstances is different. The Tuition Assistance Committee’s awards are based on many different factors. Among those factors considered are income, assets (including home equity, college funds and investments), family size, and the number of children attending tuition charging institutions. If a family thinks they will need tuition assistance, they must apply for tuition assistance when they submit their initial application.
  • Should we delay applying for tuition assistance until after our child has been enrolled at Trevor?

    No. Tuition assistance will not be available to families if they have enrolled at Trevor without it. Trevor assumes families applying for admission have honestly and carefully evaluated their own capacity to pay tuition. In addition, the School seriously considers each family’s financial circumstances when determining tuition assistance awards and assumes each family has provided an honest assessment of their ability to pay tuition.
  • How does the Tuition Assistance Committee determine our tuition assistance award?

    Families submit a Clarity application online directly to Clarity. Separated and/or divorced parents must each submit a Clarity application. Domestic partners, step-parents and non-custodial parents must also submit financial information. Clarity uses the submitted information to generate a Tuition Assistance Report that summarizes a family’s financial situation. Trevor’s Tuition Assistance Office uses this information, in addition to other factors, to determine a family’s tuition assistance award. 
  • When are we notified of the Tuition Assistance Committee's decision?

    Families who have applied for tuition assistance will be notified of the Tuition Assistance Committee's decision at the same time they are notified of admission decisions.
  • What does Trevor expect of families and students who receive tuition assistance?

    Trevor expects all families to contribute to their child’s educational expenses, in an amount determined through the Tuition Assistance Committee’s review of a family’s circumstances. The school also expects all students—whether or not they receive Tuition Assistance—to maintain the strong academic and personal qualities that led to their admission. All families receiving Tuition Assistance from Trevor must annually submit a Clarity application and the associated documentation of income, expenses, and assets. Finally, Trevor asks all students and families who receive Tuition Assistance to expect a rich and full Trevor educational experience equal to their community peers.
  • What must we do to continue receiving tuition assistance?

    All families who receive tuition assistance must submit a tuition assistance application each year they are enrolled at Trevor. Failure to file a Clarity application and supporting documentation by the deadlines will result in a returning family's loss of their award.
  • What if a spouse does not work?

    Trevor believes that families should bear the primary responsibility for financing their children’s education and therefore we expect that both parents will contribute financially. Each application is evaluated individually in recognition that each family has unique details defining their financial circumstances.