

"I am proud to be a Trevor student because Trevor's environment has allowed me to pursue interests that I never thought I would enjoy. The freedom to choose my classes, arts, and clubs has enabled me to develop skills and interests in fields that I never considered my strong suit. These skills have served me not only in the context in which I have learned them, but also in everyday life."

Meet Andrew, who came to Trevor in the 4th grade and graduated with the Class of 2023. He was an athlete on both the Varsity Soccer and Varsity Golf teams, a Peer Leader, Admissions Ambassador, Writing Advisor, Science Advisor, and a member of the MIOW (Multiple Identities One World) Club.  

At Trevor, Andrew discovered his love for chemistry. Currently taking his fourth chemistry class, Andrew has learned to think on a different level, recognizing that, “there is much more to it than putting two liquids in a beaker and seeing what happens. Thinking molecularly, rather than on a human scale, has been an eye-opening experience. At times, there is comfort in the chaos; things that you assume would go in one direction go in the other direction. Being able to analyze  the principles behind these seemingly illogical actions and conducting our own experiments make chemistry hugely enjoyable.”   
Not surprisingly, Andrew’s favorite Trevor project was a 10th-grade chemistry mixtures lab. He recalls being given a lab purpose without the procedure. He describes the process as rewarding because he collaborated with his group to develop an approach to thinking many steps ahead to fully complete the project. With only one chance to conduct the experiment, it was vital to have a solid process for the entire experiment before beginning. He feels that everyone’s personal investment in the procedure—and leveraging the group's collective knowledge–helped them complete the task.

What makes Trevor unique, Andrew thinks, can be seen in the design of the Centers. Being in a collaborative environment with peers and teachers has helped him appreciate the value of working with others. He has spent tens of hours in the Center talking with his peers about math, often discussing the different approaches students take and finding new ways to solve problems. The fact that the teachers' desks are in the Centers encourages students to speak with them. Andrew makes the point that these conversations are not restricted to academics; sometimes they drift into a discussion of pop culture or sports, but “the psychological difference in knocking on an office door to gain admittance versus walking a few yards to an inviting desk is more significant than it might seem.”

One day, Andrew hopes to be on the path toward becoming a physician or working in business. #MeetAndrew